Lead by Dr. Tracy Thomas -“The MogulMaker,” The Empire Company & The International Moguls Club is a transformation company that turn leaders into moguls, businesses into empires, partners into power couples & families into wealthy multigenerational dynasties…
World Class Business Transformation.
The Empire Company© is business coaching and influencer training company geared towards business leaders who are highly driven and ambitious for success. The Empire Company is also a business transformation consultancy that helps aspiring business leaders transform into top influencers and business moguls, giving them the capability to build wealthy business empires and multigenerational family dynasties.
Founded in 2012 by Psychologist and Wall Street Journal best selling author Dr. Tracy Thomas (The Mogul Reality Maker), The Empire Company© and The Moguls Club Community, is paradigm shifting, Influencer Making, Business Mogul Incubator that elevates leaders, their companies, and their entire realities using our proprietary Method and RealityMaking© transformational technology that powerfully upgrades leaders into influencers in their industry and supports them in creating their dream businesses and ideal realities.
We Work With Clients Locally In Dubai & With International Clients Remotely..
As a full scale, award winning transformation company, The Empire Company© and it’s Moguls Club Community has its roots in helping the most purposeful and ambitious people expand their intentional capacity, elevate their mogul abilities, and create their desired realities. Through a greater understanding of what our clients need to to become highly influential business moguls of great dynastic empires we continually expand our capacities to allow our clients to experience a new era of top level influencing and overall EmpireMaking© ease.
A Track Record Of Success…
Over a decade later, we provide a full suite of services and programs both locally in Dubai and online supporting people internationally. Our programs develop our clients’ influencer capacities, mogul identities and empire realities, creating top influencers and elite leaders who are focused on making wealthy dynasties and legacies they can be proud of.
Extensive Empire Making Expertise.
With our extensive expertise as consultants, coaches and amplifiers of our client’s identities and realities, The Empire Company and it’s supportive Moguls Club Community is the first entity in the world that encompasses the expertise and the community support that is needed to bring you, your team, your family, and your business into dynastic empire level and beyond.
As EmpireMaking© experts, The Empire Company provides expertise and resources in everything your empire requires.
Expansive EmpireMaking© Services.
The Empire Company provides expertise in everything from coaching, business consulting and strategy, identity, naming, and branding for existing and newly forming companies, new company creation for those that want to create new companies within their empire, business development, revenue generation, marketing, website development, content creation, social media, public relations and representation, speaker training, influencer development, and overall RealityMaking©.
In addition, we support our clients in the areas of talent acquisition, executive coaching, business partnering, management development, team transformation, employee retention, sales training, client service plans, organizational structure, systems analysis and upgrades, operational implementation, succession planning, overall empire structuring.
The Empire Company helps you maximize the money you can create from your reality.
Let’s Monetize Your Reality Optimally.
Also available are offerings in the area of commercialization and EmpireMonetization© of you and your reality where we help you maximize the monetization of you and your reality as a top mogul level influencer, and your top level brand where every conceivable aspect of growing your empire is cultivated. We’re here to optimize and maximize your team, ensuring that the highest level of materialization of your intentions is a priority.
Aligning our EmpireMaking© team with yours to turn your team into an EmpireTeam© where our focus is on bringing your full vision into material reality so that you, your company, and your influence can elevate humanity and make you incredibly wealthy.
The Empire Company helps you maximize the money you can create from your reality.
MogulMaker© Training delivers both virtually and exponentially.
Creating your most IntentionalTeam© is how we help you make your most intentional reality come to life and our MogulMaker© Team Training Program programs your team into state of the art Moguls that can orchestrate your reality with the kind of flow and ease you desire. In this day and age where virtual reality is how most companies do business, it’s more essential than ever that organizations have mechanisms that most effectively set their teams up for success.
We make moguls, IntentionalTeams© and VirtualEmpires© that deliver your highest results.
Create your Virtual Empire.
When your team is working remotely we provide a proprietary infrastructure that makes it a trillion percent easier to produce your reality together. In this modern area where having virtual companies is the norm, it’s a crucial skill to be able to create what is intended. The longevity of your business, its profitability and its environment is now created through a virtual experience which needs to be entirely strategic to ensure your success. This is why as part of The EmpireMaker© infrastructure we create a custom system that turns your team into a highly productive VirtualEmpire©.
The Empire Company is the world’s first intentional reality where we create an entirely intentional EmpireTrajectory©.
A strategic, successful trajectory.
We recognize because Moguls and Empires go hand in hand, our EmpireMaker IntentionalityTraining© Method brings you deep into the heart of an EmpireReality© and allows businesses to transform into Empires and companies into Dynasties that elevate communities and the world at large through the EmpireTrajectory©. We know that the more Moguls of fabulous Empires the better for our society so through our RealityMaking© Training Platform we submerse you into EmpireReality© and your team gets to transform into an army of Moguls making an amazing EmpireReality© together through the most engaging and fun process that syronizes teams into well oiled machines that orchestrate your exact intentions and bring them into reality.
The Empire Company is the best in the world at creating results through our exclusive PowerCoupleMaker© and PartnershipMaker© programs.
Powerful partnerships make all the difference.
To enhance your empire and make it as easy as possible to ascend in your trajectory we provide leadership for you and your collaborators to create at your most intentional reality through our PowerPartnerMaker© and PowerCoupleMaker© programs that ensure your different leadership configurations for both corporations and family run business are able to operate at The EmpireLevel©.
We know that what happens at the top is how you get to the top of your industry and become a top EmpireMaker©, so we ensure your rock solid in your partnering process so you’re infinitely more powerful to accelerate into The EmpireLevel© of reality and beyond.
Powerful pillars of local and online communities.
More powerful together…
To get to the empire level it takes the ultimate partnering capacity and we are the best in the world at creating EmpirePartnerships© through our PartnershipMaker© programs that transform your reality. The goals you have are ultimately a reality that you’re creating together and it takes the utmost in intentionality towards your desired reality to ensure that you create the reality to your specifications. We are clear that elevating your business relationships into truly intentional partnerships is a formula that creates the highest levels of success.
Go Big and Make The Commitments
Commit to being a top mogul.
The Wall Street Journal agreed that The Commitments is a must read best seller that hit number five on the best seller list was launched into the world of self development books, hitting number one on The Barnes and Noble Best Seller List and staying number one on The Amazon Best Seller List for several weeks, receiving top reviews and transforming lives round the world. Countless people have said yes to “The Commitments- A Step By Step Guide To Personal Transformation” has helped countless people commit to their desired reality on the deepest level, allowing them to stay the course, and remain committed to their purpose and achieving their Empire Reality through top Mogul Focus.
Mogul Training©
MogulTraining© takes executive coaching and leadership training to a whole new level. MogulTraining© allows people to elevate to into the highest echelons and continue advancing their realty through all that the mogul identity provides to you as it is the foundation that allows you and your team to fully embrace The EmpireReality© and The MogulCapacity© that will become the signature style of your world as you elevate everything around you with the MogulFabulosity© that will create a massive attractor field of your ideal clients, your greatest team, and the fulfillment of your greatest dreams.
Quite simply, Moguls Have More Fun
Your highest identity creates your highest reality.
Our clients give us the exact reality they want and for those that are totally committed to living at the higher echelons of life in the flow and prosperity that comes from living in your HighestIdentity© we help you create the identity that is going to create the reality you are seeking. We partner with leaders that go all in for creating their highest reality as a highly InfluentialMogul so you can elevate your community and your followers to flow upward with you. To make that happen more easily we have an entire arsenal of RealityMaking©, EmpireMaking©, MogulMaking© capacity for you to create a smooth and strategic trajectory upwards as we raise your profile and help you adjust to the altitude of the of the higher echelon of the top RealityMakers© in the world.
Because it’s not enough to become a highly successful influencer, it’s essential that this level of success becomes completely normal. That’s how you can ascend upwards, create the level of influence you desire, and learn how to stay there when your profile is much higher and people are taking shots at you. In the world of influencing the higher you go the better you need to be at managing your reality and our team know how to get you there and keep your growth trajectory as you navigate these higher realities and personalities that come with the territory of being a high level top mogul influencer.
It’s bigger than you, it’s bigger than a brand, it’s a reality you’re inviting people into, which is why we make world class brands that make world class realities happen.
EmpireMaker© branding, website, social media and influencer strategy.
To create your EmpireReality© we focus on branding your entire reality with our high end, EmpireMaker© branding, website, social media and top MogulInfluencer© strategy, in order to create a truly top level empire brand that is irresistible to your ideal clients, followers and fans. This is the era of the top moguls and influencers and the top level brands will be the ones that have the loyal following who is committed to them because their is a high value relationship that has your clients so invested in your EmpireReality© that they find reasons to purchase more of your products and services because they are obsessed with being in your world.
Our high end EmpireMaker© websites are magnetic, money magnets and they are what your clients will be talking about and sharing with their entire network, growing your impact, thus gaining you more access to the highest echelon of people who are seeking out the highest level MogulInfluencers© and EmpireMakers© to transact reality with.
Let’s get you into character, the one who changes the world.
Mogul of your empire positioning.
The kind of positioning we strategize for you, allows you the platform to monetize any part of your reality with an audience that will both follow you and purchase from you because they are invested in your trajectory and will trust you and your brand through your ascension and go all the way with you throughout your journey. This allows you to remain firmly in their minds and hearts as our InfluencerMaker© programs allow you to go as high into influencing the world and your chosen community, becoming an iconic celebrity in their worlds.
If iconic or celebrity status is your dream then our IconMaker and CelebrityMaker© programs will chart a course for this destination and provide a roadmap to super stardom.
Some people have brands, you have fans.
EmpireMaker© Press.
If great press and outstanding media and public relations is a priority we’ve got your covered, and on the cover of magazines if that is what you desire. Our PR team are Queens Of Getting You On The Screens© and making sure everyone is talking about you. From top publications, to TV, Radio, and Podcasts your, we know how to get you the attention that will skyrocket you past your competition, taking you into the superstardom of The EmpireReality© and The MogulFabulosity© that is necessary to compete in this modern world, where influencers reign supreme and it’s time to get on board the influencer train and build a reality with a following who will tune into your every invitation that you give them to go further into your world where they will want more and more of what your offering to them.
Wikipedia is media that elevates your status as an influencer.
Wikipedia is powerful media.
If you want to position yourself as a highly influential mogul in your industry it’s important to make it clear to your audience and the public that you’re a real authority, a true expert, and a top player in your field who knows how to deliver their desired results. This is why one of our signature strategies is creating your Wikipedia Profile for you that sends the exact message that your audience needs to see every time anyone looks you up and does research on you in the attempt to determine your credibility and potential for helping them. If you want to operate at the top of your industry and in the forefront of your community, while building trust with your audience and potential clients, it’s essential to have a presence on Wikipedia with both a Profile Page and a Knowledge Graph. Through our WikiPageMaker© program, we know the formula to get Wikipedia to admit you into their club of highly influential people. Whatever your current level of media presence we have an incredible strategy to take you from where you are, and land you all the way into your Wikipedia debut.
Media mastery makes history.
Master the media arena.
We have entered an era where new celebrities are being made everyday by those that master and utilize every media mechanism available to then and ever aspect of content generation to fill the airwaves with their reality as more and more people recognize that it’s no longer enough to have a good business, a good reputation, or a good track record, because those that master their media presence and garner the attention get to inspire your audience into action.
Up Your Screen Time.
Expand your reach and your impact.
It’s no longer enough to have your amazing company, your credentials, your book, your Ted Talk, and your incredible social media presence because every day more content is being created and promoted by the top influencers who understand that the bar has moved significantly where the top influencers are now gaining ground on the competition by landing deals with Netflix, Amazon, Apple TV, Hulu, and the vast network of media channels that have provided an entree for anyone who is determined enough to elevate to celebrity status via making a movie or a television series and skyrocketing them to fame and positioning them at the top of the playing field.
The public at large wants to access celebrity and become a part of their reality so more and more people are choosing to do business in areas where they can gain access to a more glamorous world of celebrity where they will pay the top prices for the opportunity to to be involved with those that are making reality at the highest level. Having a Netflix deal for example tells people that you’re credible enough to be trusted and regarded by Netflix as a real leader in your field and those who get themselves on screen are going to have the opportunity to take over the world and access higher echelons of society.
Expanding yourself, expands your empire.
Take the shot so you call the shots.
The more your inner Mogul can master the top levels of media the more your audience grows. This means you gain the power to call the shots the way you want them to go, more influence to create whatever you want, and greater wealth as you become the go-to person for wealthiest clientele, and the ability to build a mass following who will buy whatever you sell.
Going forward it’s those that have their movie deal and their Netflix show that are going to make their mark on the world and who are going to rake in all of the dough.
Mogul level, money making, fabulosity. Influencers have access to the big bucks.
Become a media savvy mogul.
It’s going to be standard for every business leader and entrepreneur to become a mogul level influencer who is selling their reality through every media channel. It’s going to be commonplace for every influencer to become a full fledged celebrity through the power of content creation to fill the world with their presence, their services and their products for sale, turning every media channel into a money printing atm machine.
We understand that everyone who wants to succeed at the highest levels of wealth, status, power and purpose fulfillment will need to prioritize content generation and go well beyond having a great social media following into the level of movie star and tv stardom and those who meet this requirement will go ahead of the pack instead of being left behind by those that stake their position in this celebrity driven culture that is inviting those that want to lead their communities and the world through revealing more about their journey, their company and it’s innerworkings and initiatives and intentions for making the world a more amazing place.
Modern EmpireMakers deserve the luxury that comes with our revolutionary LuxuryPublishing© Method.
Empire Expanding LuxuryPublishing©
With our expansive level of EmpireMaking© services our offerings include publishing your best selling book with our proprietary LuxuryPublishing© methodology where we do the most luxurious BestSellerMaker© and publishing process in the world, allowing you to focus on your empire and all the other parts of your reality. From book inception to best seller status your publishing experience is made luxurious from the experience you have all the way the to the cover of the book, as we publish luxury books that allow you to stand out about the rest of the pack in a crowded book market with a competitive edge that allows you to continue to increase your royalties as your book is in a luxury class of its own.
Celebrity culture is the future.
Become a celebrity in your industry and your community.
We understand that everyone who wants to succeed at the highest levels of wealth, status, power and purpose fulfillment will need to prioritize content generation and go well beyond having a great social media following into the level of movie star and tv stardom and those who meet this requirement will go ahead of the pack instead of being left behind by those that stake their position in this celebrity driven culture that is inviting those that want to lead their communities and the world through revealing more about their journey, their company and it’s innerworkings and initiatives and intentions for making the world a more amazing place.
EmpireMaker© Entertainment.
This is why we’ve partnered with an award winning production companies in Hollywood who have been creating award winning movies for years in order to serve those leaders and companies that are invested in adding their movie or television show to their resume of credibility, thus gaining more authority in the marketplace and the ability to scale their careers and their companies into the stratosphere.
With the power of our incredible production partners EmpireMaker Entertainment is makes movies with those that are ready to step up to the big leagues. Through EmpireMaker Entertainment your top tier mogul of your empire reality is available and influencer royalty can be yours if you choose it to be.
Play the starring role in your reality, and your audience will follow your journey.
Make your movie. Star in your show.
EmpireMaker Entertainment allows the most aspiring people to have a comprehensive media strategy that raises their profile exponentially making it easier and easier to live out your top level celebrity influencer reality and make your maximum contribution to society. For those that want to operate at the highest echelon of influence and positive social impact in their lifetime our MovieStarMaker© and TVStarMaker programs allow you the ability to put yourself and your impact into the history books for generations to come as you give yourself, your empire and your dynasty level reality a chance to truly make history and be known to society into infinity as you become iconic in your industry and worldwide.
High fashion is in fashion.
High fashion photography
To elevate your positioning and ensure you stand out in the crowded marketplace of companies and influencers high fashion photography is the ideal way to highlight your brand as top quality. It’s not enough anymore to phone it in anymore with photos and branding that can confuse your target market, rather the most strategic thing you can do is to drive the point home that you and your company are the best in the world at what you do and your confident enough to express the best of who you are to make the exceptionally clear.
High fashion photography is the most strategic way to say, we know what the “F” we’re doing and we can get you results. Our high fashion photography is an essential part of building your brand into the highest echelon in can be and ensuring you're a market leader in your industry.
MogulStyle is always trending.
MogulStyle© photoshoots for Mogul RealityMaking.
MogulStyle© is our favorite style because it’s bringing forth your most commanding presence and your most unique essence to produce a winning combination that is the brand of you and your reality that is the hallmark of how you create quality for your clientele and your audience of followers who will be hanging on every word you say when they have the easiest time connecting with you through the top presentation of yourself that you can do.
High End photos make for an empire level luxury brand that tells the world and your clientele that you are the best at what you do and that you stand out above the competition because there is no competition when you make your brand an empire brand because you’re in a class of your own.
At The Empire Company we live to plan your amazing photoshoot as we go into making every detail represent your signature style so we bring an empire brand into the world to help you do all that you do. Our incredible photographers are experts at fashion photography and our photoshoots bring forth your inner celebrity.
MogulMakover© Where your fashion gets you traction.
Our signature MogulMakover© is the piece de resistance for the influencer who wants to express MogulFabulosity©. MogulStyle© is that all important cross between being professional, being fashionable and embodying that level of mogul coolness that is the envy of all others who will take their cues from your MogulMoves© and the way in which your fashion will communicate your passion for the highest echelons of success and for the for the highest level results.
Our MogulMakover© process allows you to get outfitted and upgraded in every style area, so that you can be the fashion plate everywhere you go, trending as a mogul leader in everything you do. Getting the fashion part correct is one of the most important influencer strategies that are the difference between being there and being a smash hit that people want to copy your fashion and receive the inspiration you're providing which adds to your credibility as a trusted leader who should be leading a group of people to their next level. Your MogulMakover© is worth the exponential ROI that comes when people know that if you can look this fabulous that you can deliver the results that you say you can.
Your MogulStyle© communicates that you know how to play the game of success, wealth, and fabulousness, which is what is trending and always in style for those committed to being a top Mogul and those that will want to follow in your footsteps. We love creating new looks, wardrobes and the perfect ascetic for moguls who want to influence by being stylish, modern and so fashion forward that your clients and your audience will know that you can get them the best results.
RealityMaking at its finest.
Our comprehensive suite of services.
Most importantly, The Empire Company with its comprehensive suite of services and programs is here to co-create your most IntentionalReality© with you directing your through the shortest route to the highest level of credibility, authority and clout that you need to succeed in this world of power players so you can have your seat at the table and enter the world of the top RealityMakers© who are making all the decisions for the rest of us so we know it’s crucial that you get into the position in this world that your meant to be in because your future clients, fans and followers need you.
Your expertise is needed in this world and the faster you get to where you are supposed to be the better you can be for all of us. One RealityMaking process creates the fast track to your profits.
How you operate is how you orchestrate reality.
Operations and orchestrations.
Operations and orchestrations of your EmpireReality© is essential for your vision to come to life. Our operations team are of the highest order and their ability to organize your reality into incredible systems, strategic structures, and into a harmonious operational symphony is second to none. Through an analysis of your reality we easily determine what will bring the ease and flow you want for your empire to become a dynasty and the exact results you want to achieve.
Solutions abound at The Empire Company where we make sure your exact reality is orchestrated with incredible organization and freedom for you to create your most Intentional Destiny©.
Make the ultimate upgrade.
Pure intentionality is pure luxury.
The Patternshift™ - Transform Your Reality Through Intentionality is our third best selling book in our 10 book series and is hitting #1 on several lists already. This book is about the power that comes from making a shift in anything that you’d like to upgrade in your reality so that your empire is being created off of your top level of intentionality. This is how you’ll create exactly what you intend. The Patternshift™ is about using shifting former ways of doing things and being able to have a more wealthy, luxurious empire building experience so that your focus and energy go in the direction of the highest purpose you came here to do. Making these shifts mean that leaders become moguls, businesses become empires and families become dynasties who live out their destiny as pillars of communities and great contributors to society. Through learning how to Patternshift™ you’ll make a quantum leap in your results and exponential success is available to you where you have more ease, flow, and wealth than you ever thought possible.
Exponential RealityMaking is our Method.
Empire revenue optimization.
Improving sales teams and revenue generation capacity is key to the thriving of your Empire and it’s as simple as that. The revenue generation capacity of your empire is often the thing that so many people need the most strategic support with because this area of your Empire is crucial for your entire reality to flow where you want it to go.
People who are great at sales are great at bringing an intention all the way into material reality and that is what The Empire Company is famous for, turning your intentions into the Benjamins.
With our RevenueOptimization© training we elevate your revenue optimization capacity through a massive overhaul in your pricing strategy, ideal positioning in the marketplace, and most importantly the ability to deliver your clients the highest level results.
When you’re in the perfect category in your market you're positioned you can reside in a distinct category and an echelon all your own. By making you so distinctive in the market you can differentiate yourself into an area with zero competition. This allows you to create reality at any level you want and your clients will thank you for it.
Let’s make it reign.
Turn RainMaking into ReignMaking.
The money part of creating your reality is obviously the thing that tells you if you're aligned to your intentions or if you’re operating on faulty programming that is creating an alternate reality than you intend. This is why our RainMaker© program id designed to create the infinite income you desire and make you a total MoneyMaster© of your financial reality.
There is a massive reservoir of cash flow available to you when you become a complete MoneyReceiver© and learn to receive the fullest financial reality that is wanting to come to you. The truth is that there is so much money flowing in your reality that is doing all that it can to come to you.
This untapped flow of cash is trying to find you and match you with the people who are in need of, you, your company, and your reality. We help make it possible for you to become a channel for the infinite resources that are available to you, when you're set up to receive them and your internal and external infrastructure are organized to receive TheFlow© and handle massive quantities of cash. This creates a RainMakerReality© and it will allow you to reign supreme when it comes to money.
Sealing the deal is a thrill.
Big deals make big empires.
Having an entirely Intentional RealityMaking© team creates the pathway to your most intentional reality happening and riches beyond your wildest dreams. And that is because you only know reality and what is possible from your current state of intentionality, and this is why our DealMaker© programs are so amazing for creating DealMakers out of your entire organization.
We all know that everyone is in sales in every position in your company and when everyone is trained as a DealMaker© then everyone becomes a receiver of your highest RevenueReality© and they become a tractor beam for your most amazing clients and the resources they will share with you because your reality is magnetic and attracting.
Everyone is creating the reality of your company and when everyone becomes an Intentional DealMaker© then reality flows beautifully and the DealMaker© will close the deal and create another amazing chunk of your reality that will gain momentum with every negotiation into the higher echelon of exponential reality creation.
Multiply your reality by being more “Moguly.”
It all begins with an idea.
We recognize that there are great Moguls, Empires and Dynasties where people are creating ExponentialReality© that continues to multiply itself and create more of these realities the same way money creates more of itself the more you make. This is an exponential reality that becomes more of itself because the more you’re in these elevated realities the more you are programmed for them and the more you get into the luxurious state of receiving them and they come to you because you're The Mogul and you have an Empire and it’s the only reality you know. The more you embody The EmpireReality© as The MasterfulMogul© of your destiny the more you’ll expand your empire and create the positive impact that you're here to create as a top level influencer.
It’s time to get on MogulTime.
Time mastery with MogulTime©.
We call it MogulTime© where your time management becomes that of a mogul and your MogulSchedule© is at empire level.
The way to scale and grow your Empire or finally inhabit The EmpireReality© is to become a TimeMaker© and to master time and bend to your will and your intentions. Time mastery is the highest level of Moguling and EmpireMaking and the key to receiving your place on the throne of the great Moguls of Reality that have paved the way for you to step into your destiny as a great EmpireMaker and embrace your EmpireScaling priorities.
The greater you grow your empire the better your impact will be on humanity and your growth can be in any direction you want it to be. The thing is that you’re operating on the same 24 hours as everyone else and it’s all about how you master it and make reality go the way you want it to go, telling it exactly what you want it to do, and making reality flow the way you want it to flow. This is how you make reality at The MasterfulMogul© level.
Moguls, Empires, and Dynasties, oh yeah.
Dynasty Family Branding is amazing.
Dynasty Family Branding© is the most exciting thing we do as we get to help you create this entire reality with all of the elements in it that make great families the pillars of society and the role models that our communities need so profoundly at this time in history. A Dynasty Level family branded reality and our DyanstyMaking© services will transform your reality exponentially so that the generations of your family to come, become so wealthy that they easily carry on the family dynasty. This allows you to steward your family as the dynastic leader that you’ve always wanted to be.
Your dynasty is your destiny.
DynastyMaking© is for the taking.
Should you want to include your family in the process, we have a phenomenal DynastyMaker© program to include your family in the higher level reality. This takes you into a higher echelon of reality where your family is transformed into a group co-creators of a great dynasty.
This is where your family and the various companies you’re stewarding in your Empire are all elevated by creating a Dynasty FamilyBrand© and bringing that brand forth to serve as a foundation for elevating the family into it’s highest identity and therefor it’s highest reality which for families is the DynastyLevel where your family has a higher purpose of being at the top of reality that a family can be in this current stage of evolution.
Create the line of success-ion.
Plan your infinite success.
In the realm of Empire and Dynasties our SuccessionPlanner© services are a necessity for creating a pathway from one generation of your family to the next.
Having a clear line of succession to the throne and the helm of your dynasty is essential so the leadership of every aspect of your reality is given an architecture that will be strategized and adhered to in order to take your dynastic empire out as far as you’d like it to go. 100 years, 200 years or more if you choose, the great news is that you get to have a say in what happens to your masterpiece and the sequence of creation that you'd like to occur.
There are a small percentage of Empires and Dynasties in the world and an even smaller amount that have made it past the 100 year mark. Most all of them created these realities by going 10 years out at the most in terms of what they planned and executed. Through our SuccessionPlanner© programs you're invited to a whole new level of RealityMaking and a profound new level of the video game that only the top level Dynastic families are playing.
Millions become billions, and billions become trillions, and so on…
Moguls, magnates, and tycoons.
This is the echelon of the elite Magnates and Tycoons, Billionaires and the first Trillionaire that will bring us all into the most expansive reality that exists in modern society. This is where only the One percent live in a luxurious and opulent playground where they are all deciding how reality is made for the rest of us, and we love helping our clients join the best of the best through our MultiMillionaireMaker©, BillionaireMaker© and TrillionaireMaker© programs for those that want to travel in the elite class of RealityMakers and lead all of us to the next level of the video game.
The Method That Changes Everything.
RealityMaking©At It’s Finest.
The hallmark of The Empire Company has always been our proprietary RealityMaking© processes called The Method© which uses numerous RealityMaking Protocols© that provide the reality programming for your intentional reality that takes you forward because your programmed so fully for your reality that instead of having to work for it, your programming takes you with it into your desired reality and into the higher frequency echelons where the best of the best ascend to and are capable of residing there. The Method- The Practical Path To Living Your Purpose and Potential is one of our best sellers and a resource for those that are here to live out their most intentional life as a highly influential mogul.
Your identity creates your reality, and your intentions determine your destiny.
IdentityTraining© and IntentionalityTraining©
This is where you get to rule the realty as Moguls do and make all the decisions for how we evolve our society and country the world. This is a realm that is easily accessed when you know the “door codes” that are needed for entree into the top RealityMakers© in the universe and you use them to ascend to the throne where you call the shots and others follow them.
This is the era that will usher in the most Billionaires that has ever existed and this reality is also where the first set of Trillionaires are born. With the exponential RealityMaking© power of IdentityTraining©, IntentionalityTraining©, and the reality architecture of great moguls, power couples, empires and dynasties, the reality you want is yours for the creating.
You have a vision and these are the directions for your life that are to be followed to the letter.
Your vision is our mission.
We understand that your vision is ultimately a reality that needs to be fully materialized and that this is ultimately an amazing creative process to get this reality into the world so that your masterpiece exists and both you and everyone else can behold it and be transformed by it.
We understand that your vision is ultimately a reality that needs to be fully materialized and that this is ultimately an amazing creative process to get this reality into the world so that your masterpiece exists and both you and everyone else can behold it and be transformed by it. The days of where companies were once providers of products and services are over and we believe that a new era is upon us.
The era of the empire is here.
This is The Era of The Empire and these are The Days of The Dynasty where everyone has access to creating reality on a level that is going to be marked in history as the Greatest Era of The Top RealityMakers. It’s clear to us that we’ve evolved into a new age where creating an incredible, transformative, and even magical reality that you invite people into will completely replace how people do business.
We are confident that regardless of what type of company you have, those with the best RealityMaking© capacity will lead the pack because people will follow those who can provide a transformative experience. This is the time to create a world for your clients to inhabit, a time for your fans to enter your EmpireReality©.
This is your moment and as the vision for your new to reality opens up we are here to usher you into it.
The time is now.
This is the time of artificial intelligence, technology and multi- media, reality and for those that know how to meet this moment and seize all of the opportunity and ride the wave of it. This is a time for those that adapt to the full power of the media and those that step up into a position of influence and take the lead. This is a time for influencing people and creating followers and fans who will come on the journey of your trajectory because they are inspired to do so and because they are transformed by the experience of both your empire and you.
It’s a time to lead your audience.
This is a time for growing together and bringing them along with you and all that you do. Influencing is the name of the game and we know that this is a very essential skill that is needed for anyone that intends to be successful.
In this modern age the rise of those who know how to use the mechanism of media is revealing the path to success that is going to be required by anyone who intends to be at the top of their field.
The Age of The Influencer.
This is The Age of The Influencers who become the most admired and trusted Moguls. This is why we are passionate about developing influencers in our InfluencerMaker programs who become highly influential Moguls. This is also a moment where there is an infinite amount of revenue streams available for those that are here to monetize themselves and tap into levels of wealth that are available and that you can finally have access to, no matter where you come from or where your journey has taken you.
If you can conceive it, we will help you achieve it and that means whatever level of MoneyFlow you want to bring towards you. This is a moment for those that are interested in experiencing their infinite potential and for those that want to be purposeful and powerful. This is a moment for those that know exactly what they want, and this is The Moment for The Mogul.
Partnering on your EmpireReality.
As MogulMakers we bring you into a world of The Mogul where Empires and Dynasties are natural and normal. A world where you are immersed in a reality that will excite you, thrill you, and motivate you. This is a place where you will talk the talk and walk the walk of The Mogul. A place where your desired reality is co created with you. Through our immersive RealityMaking systems and structures we are here to make sure your dreams come through you and into the world so they can be inhabited fully by you. Throughout the process that we do with our clients we produce your intentional reality in partnership with you. And most importantly we’re here to make it easier for you.
Your reality is our priority.
Your reality is our priority and so we customize our EmpireMaking© programs and services to create exactly what you want. Whatever your EmpireMaking© needs are, we have the team, the resources and the network to ensure that you bring your vision into reality.
Through our expansive menu of products, programs and services we’re here to help you live out your purpose, make your contributions to society, and create your legacy for all eternity to know that you made your mark and your time here was used wisely.
Our LegacyMaker© program makes this a trillion percent easier to do as we build your legacy out as far as you want to take it and put those pieces of infinite reality into a practical plan to carry out your mission to be a leader for the generations that follow you so they can build on the reality you intentionally created for them.
Influencer income.
Each day there are more and more people who are taking advantage of this monumental moment of InstantaneousIncome© where reality is made from anywhere you want to be and at any time of day. Your reality can be whatever you want it to be and the more time goes on the more influencers will make this a required reality for anybody that wants to do business at any level.
We are here to help you step into the reality where you can connect at a deeper level with those that want to share your reality with you, and we're here to upgrade your reality to the top level. We invite you to share the reality you want to create and we’ll share with you how we can help you.
The consultation of a lifetime.
Our consultation process has the power to determine what will occur with you, your business, your family and your heirs for generations to come. It will be a pivotal experience that predicts whether you will live out your potential of wealth, power, status and influence while making your mark on humanity, or whether your potential is unrealized and passes on with you as it does with most people.
Our proprietary RealityAssessment© process will transform the way you think about all that you do and it will clarify what is actually needed to realize your full potential on every level. So give yourself the gift of allowing us to assess your current reality, learn about the reality you want to create, and to share with you the easiest and most efficient pathway to make that happen.
For other clients they’ve shared that our assessment has been worth millions of dollars to them and it’s been the most positively impactful revealing of the factors that will lead to their success. We invite you to give yourself the gift of this incredible upgrade.
We understand that your vision is ultimately a reality that needs to be fully materialized and that this is ultimately an amazing creative process to get this reality into the world so that your masterpiece exists and both you and everyone else can behold it and be transformed by it.
We know that your vision for the future is the reality you’re here to create and that you won’t be satisfied until you make your top reality happen.
Your Reality is our priority. We customize our EmpireMaking© programs and services to create exactly what you want. Whatever your EmpireMaking© needs are, we have the team, the resources and the network to ensure that you bring your vision into reality.